Our creations for individuals
Discover the wine cellars, cavist furniture, and wine racks created for our clients.
With our modular system and the guidance of Achitecture Intérieure du Vin experts, your personalized wine cellar can find its place in your home, even in the most compact spaces and initially complex configurations.
It all depends on the primary function and use you will make of your Wine Space. Every detail is meticulously planned in our shelves, with elements to be chosen “à la carte”.
Thus, you can create your private Wine Space on one or more walls, optimizing in the corners, and combining one or more functions of storage, preparation, presentation, and service for on-site tasting.
Our furniture can fit into all types of spaces, primarily in your basement cellars, as well as in your living spaces.
We cater to individuals, as well as all wine enthusiasts dreaming of having a beautiful cellar at home, showcasing their bottles, and allowing for quick and efficient browsing of their collection.
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